LXDCON'24 Program

NOTE: LXDCON ran on Amsterdam time (CET/GMT +2).
You'll notice breaks in the program, we did this to cater to different time zones and sessions are available for rewatch during and after the conference.

Day 1

Tuesday June 11, 2024

Niels Floor picture

10:00am - 10:30am

Kick off LXDCON'24

Niels Floor | Shapers

Welcome to the ninth annual learning experience design conference LXDCON’24. Together with learning experiences designers from around the globe we will explore this year’s theme "Let's Play”. Join us for four days of learning experience design activities and the LXD Game Jam 24.

10.30AM - 11:00AM

Talk - Gamification against Discrimination

Beybin Elvin Tunc | LinkedIn profile

Can games change the world? In this session we'll delve into the question of how to design learning experiences that harness the power of gamification to drive positive change against discrimination.

11:00am - 12:30pm

Workshop - The power of drawing for learning

Harriët Robijn | LinkedIn profile

You want your learning experience to last. Drawing will help you do so. Drawing makes learning more fun, it makes it last and connects head, heart and hands. The great thing is, everyone can draw even if you're convinced you can't. Discover how drawing can enrich learning and experience how easy drawing actually is.

Break until 4:00PM

clark n quinn

4:00pm - 4:30pm

Talk - Lessons from (serious) games: aligning education and engagement

Clark N. Quinn | Quinnovation

Learning experience design can be construed as the elegant integration of learning science with engagement. Yet, too often, what we get is ‘chocolate-covered broccoli’ or ‘fiber-enriched candy’. However, there’s evidence that what makes games fun is, indeed, learning. How do we reconcile this? In this session, we’ll unpack the critical elements of meaningful practice, and the elements of engaging experiences, and expose the necessary alignment to making learning a true experience. Learning can, and should, be ‘hard fun’.

4:30pm - 6:00pm

Workshop - Let’s make a game in 90 minutes!

Maarten van Broekhoven | Shapers

Step into the world of game development using Construct 3. Within 90 minutes, you will create a digital game! No prior experience in design, art, or programming required. Just bring your enthusiasm, creativity, and some basic computer skills. After 'surviving' this fast-paced hands-on workshop, you will add an incredible power-up to your LXD toolkit.

6:00pm - 6:30pm

Meet Up - LXD Game Jam 24

Maarten van Broekhoven | Shapers

After the workshop on Construct 3, Maarten will dedicate some time to answer your questions about the LXD Game Jam 24 we're organizing during LXDCON.

How to get the most out of LXDCON

These four days in June will be packed with a variety of LX design activities for you to choose from. 

We've decided to not just do 1 conference day, but up to 4 days filled with workshops, meet ups, inspirational sessions and talks.

This is a global event with participants from across the world in different time zones. That's why we arranged the program in a way that enables you to participate in a way that suits your schedule:

Quick and easy: 
Cherry pick the activities that fit your schedule and watch them either live or the recording afterwards. Ideal if you're short on time and you know what you're looking for. 3 to 5 hours in total.

Get active: 
Participate in (some of) the live events like virtual workshops and debates to dig deeper into what matters to you.  5 to 10 hours in total.

Go all in: 
Join us from start to finish. Challenge yourself by actively participating in all live events and connect with the LX design community. We'll see you each day of the week! 10 to 20 hours in total.

Most live events will be recorded for you to watch later so don't worry about missing anything!

Rewatch LXDCON'24

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LXDCON is initiated by:

We, Shapers, are pioneers in the field of learning experience design. We believe in the power of well crafted experiences to elevate the quality of learning. That's why we apply, train and promote learning experience design around the globe.