This is Learning Experience Design
What it is, how it works and why it matters
This book written by LXD pioneer Niels Floor is published by Pearson / New Riders and is available now!
This learning experience design book bridges the gap between creative design disciplines and the world of learning. It covers LXD mindsets, methods, skills, tools: everything you need to succeed. You'll go step-by-step through every stage of the LXD process, from preliminary questions and ideas to focused design research, prototyping to final design. It includes world's #1 LXD tool, the Learning Experience Canvas, together with key tools such as personas, empathy maps, and experience maps.
Whether you're a professional learning designer, course developer, or corporate training specialist you'll find this guide invaluable. And if you're a creative professional, it'll open new vistas of opportunity in fast-growing marketplace for learning solutions.

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Sign up for the online course on LXD!
Do you want to learn more about and practice the fundamentals of LXD?
We like to practice what we preach. That's why we have carefully designed this online course to provide you with a memorable learning experience. Starting January 20, 2025, we have four weeks we are going to dive into the world of learning experience design (LXD). During this course you will:
- Explore the fundamentals of LXD.
- Get hands on with LXD by working on assignments that put theory into practice.
- Work with the Learning Experience Canvas.
- Get weekly live webinars of one hour each every Friday at 3PM (GMT+2/CET timezone). The webinars will be recorded to watch them later.
- Receive individual feedback and support on your designs from your coach and peers.
- Use StudyBlend to follow your individual learning path.
- Meet participants from across the globe and discover new perspectives on learning.
- Receive a certificate of completion when you finish the course at satisfactory level.
Sign up today via Eventbrite and see you there!